Saturday 13 July 2013

Dr Manmohan Singh Scholarships

Known as the architect of economic reform, Dr Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India, is a graduate and Honorary Fellow of St John’s College, University of Cambridge.  Since 2007, the Dr Manmohan Singh Scholarships have enabled academically outstanding Indian students to undertake doctoral degrees in Science & Technology, Economics and Social Sciences from the prestigious UK seat of learning.
Applications in Aerospace Engineering and Energy Studies will be of particular interest.
The scholarships are fully funded to cover:
  • academic fees
  • international airfare
  • monthly living expenses allowance
  • UK visa.

Application Guidelines

The applicant should:
  • be an Indian national - currently based in India - with a valid Indian passport
  • be below 35 years  of age on 31 December 2012
  • not have had significant exposure to UK education or received UK government funding
  • hold a postgraduate degree from a recognised  Indian institution with a first class award (UG and PG) in the relevant field
  • be able to produce evidence of leadership qualities (to be assessed from personal statements, e.g. extracurricular activities and/or evidence of having made a difference to the country/society/participation in symposia in the relevant subject, or peer reviewed publication in the area)
  • have identified a full-time doctoral research degree from the University of Cambridge commencing September/October 2013
  • be fluent in both spoken and written English
  • be able to fulfil any other admission criteria laid down by the university
It is the responsibility of the applicants to identify a suitable Doctoral programme and supervisor at the University of Cambridge, apply for a place for September/October 2013 and secure admission.
  • Identify a suitable doctoral programme and supervisor at the University of Cambridge.
  • Applicants to visit the Board of Graduate Studies (BoGs) website and make formal application to the University at the same time as to the Dr Man Mohan Singh Scholarships.
  • Applicants to select St John’s College as their first choice College on their BoGs application form.
  • Applicants to indicate on their BoGs form that they are applying for the Dr Manmohan Singh Scholarships, but also to complete the section applying for funding from the University. 
Apply for the Scholarship on the prescribed format by 31 December 2012 and submit it to the British Council. 
  • Only those applicants who get an offer of admission at St John’s College will be eligible for the award of the Scholarship.
  • Candidates should NOT approach St John’s College directly at this stage.

Selection Criterion

Candidates for these scholarships are selected through a process of short listing from the applications received by the British Council, followed by personal interviews, which will be held in New Delhi.
Subsequent to the interviews the selection committee identifies the required number of candidates for the awards. The decision of the selection committee will be final. Selection results will be communicated within a month following the interview. 
Post selection 
Pre-departure briefings, UK visa and travel arrangements for the selected candidates will be co-ordinated by the British Council.
General Notes
The British Council will acknowledge receipt of applications through the emails provided on the application form. For this purpose, applicants are requested to provide their latest email ids. However, the British Council will not be responsible for failure of on-line delivery. 
The British Council will further contact only the short-listed candidates inviting them for interviews. Applicants are requested not to contact the British Council office directly. 
Short-listed candidates will be interviewed in New Delhi in April 2013. Candidates will be expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.